Network marketing maybe the answer needed to revive your dream machine. However, not everyone is suited for network marketing. But if you have moderate people skills and are a big thinker, network marketing could be right for you. In this the first of four parts, you will find out what a prominent author says about network marketing and why he believes network marketing is the ideal vehicle to wealth and prosperity.

For someone exploring a network marketing opportunity for the first time, the book written by Robert Kiyosaki entitled, “The Business School for People Who Like Helping People” is a book to have. Robert Kiyosaki reviews several ways that one may become rich. However, the path offered by his Rich Dad may be the most realistic and also holds the greatest profit potential. Rich Dad’s path to success is simple just build a business.

Robert Kiyosaki prefers network-marketing businesses because there exists very few barriers to entry. Some of the richest people in the world come from the business quadrant. There is a bad connotation of network marketing and it is because most people don’t understand the purpose of networking. The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else looks for work.

Network marketing scares some people. It scares your bosses who want to continue to maintain control over you. It scares people in the investment business that hope you will never read any of Robert Kiyosaki’s books and listen to their advice (while they participate in illegal investing techniques with your money). “In network marketing” Kiyosaki says, “they want you to get better. In the workplace, they don’t want you to get better. It’s a rat race.”

The title of this book tells it all — network marketing is not a “get rich quick” vehicle. Rather, it is a business school where the ultimate goal is personal growth. Robert Kiyosaki presents eleven “hidden values” of a network marketing business. This is the ideal tool to help you look beyond the hype, see the network marketing opportunity for what it really is, and set realistic expectations for your personal success. This book gives a solid, realistic foundation from which you can chart your course.

Robert Kiyosaki also says that network marketing is the perfect B-Business for some people but not everybody. It’s all based on values. Some people are weak and need the security of a paycheck. Others, who want freedom and are willing to develop themselves, will find network marketing the Perfect B-Business for them.

Some sophisticated business people like to take cheap shots at network marketing and say it’s not really a business. But how would a MBA know what a real business is when all they are is an employee—the E Quadrant. Network marketing puts you on the B-Quadrant only without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, having to buy or rent a building, or pay employees. In real estate you use leverage in the form of other peoples money. In network marketing, you use leverage in the form of other people’s contacts, other people’s energy.

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There are tax benefits to owning your own network marketing business. As an employee you are paying the absolute maximum in taxes. This is money you can be using to improve your lifestyle, invest in your network marketing company, in real estate or set aside for retirement. And of course, this is the information age. Never has it been easier to reach more people via network marketing than it is right now. (Please contact your tax consultant for specific deductions)The future is looking very bright for network marketing. Why? There are already several economic trends in place that will drive more and more people to participate in network marketing in the very near future. For one, people are looking for alternatives to the job market. Many people are tired of the long commute, 9-5 routine and the myth of “job security.” They want freedom and network marketing can give that to them.